IBNA Contest

IBNA Newscast/Sportscast Contest

The contest for entries aired in 2024 is now open. We are once again using the RockOurAwards website to upload and judge entries. 
You can use the same password on the site that you have used before. If you do not remember the password, or need to reset it, you can contact the website’s help line or email.   Please be sure to enter your info in the proper division. (Large market, small market or college)

Information on the categories is available below.  We have added a special disaster category this year for coverage of the flooding and storms.   The deadline for entries is February 17th.

It is also time to renew your membership.  We are not able to let you renew membership on the awards site, you must go to the IBNA website membership page to renew.


– The competition is open to all IBNA dues-paying members employed at any electronic media facility in Iowa and adjacent markets serving Iowa audiences, and to students who are from Iowa or are attending an Iowa-based college/university. An IBNA member may “share” his/her eligibility with non-members at the station/school. There is no limit to the number of entries which may be submitted from a single individual/organization. Stations may submit additional written materials explaining their entries; for example, station resources, special circumstances to help put the entry in context, etc.

All entries must have aired/appeared during calendar year 2024. All entries must be submitted as they aired/appeared, without later editing (except compilations).

Submission of Entries:

– TV entries must be uploaded to YouTube or Vimeo and the hyperlinks to the story sent with the entry.

– Radio Entries may be directly uploaded to RockOurAwards.com by the entrant. 

Acceptable file formats include .mp3, .jpg, .gif, .png, .bmp, .doc, docx, .wma, .pdf, .mp4, .wmv and .mov files.

Special characters should be avoided in file names. Stick with letters, numbers, &, dots, dashes and underscores.

– It is the responsibility of the entrant to make sure all links are “live” with full audio (if appropriate) and video and that the entry can be downloaded; judges will be instructed to ignore any entry with a “dead” link without further notice to the entrant or refund of entry fees.

– Entrants can include anchor lead-ins to stories (either within the audio/video, or in writing) and give the judges facts important to the story in writing; this additional written material may be uploaded as a .doc or .pdf OR entrants may use the “Comments” box on the entry form.

– Those who enter the 2025 IBNA News Awards Contest agree to allow IBNA to use excerpts from their work in an awards video to be shown at the annual convention, and later to be made available to members and educational institutions, and for promotion of IBNA generally.

NOTE: Entries submitted without the name of a 2025 dues-paying IBNA member on the entry form, or submitted without entry fees, are not eligible.

– Entry fees are payable ONLY via credit/debit cards through a PayPal by using the “My Billing” tab on the RockOurAwards website. Please note that a handling fee has been added to each entry fee to help cover the costs of electronic payment.  Entries are not considered ‘submitted’ until fees are paid.   IBNA membership fees must be paid separately on the IBNA website.

– When completing the entry form, designate the entry title and names of the journalists involved.

Radio (Professional): There are two professional radio divisions: small market and large market. Large markets are defined as stations with primary service areas of Dubuque, Quad Cities, Cedar Rapids, Iowa City, Waterloo/Cedar Falls, Des Moines, Sioux City, and Omaha/Council Bluffs, as well as networks/news services. Any other city of license is considered a small market. Fees: $18.00 per entry. There is no limit on entries per category, except Overall Excellence, which has a limit of one entry per station.

Television (Professional): There are two television divisions: small market and large market. Large markets are defined as stations with primary service areas of Des Moines/Ames, Cedar Rapids/Waterloo, and the Quad Cities, as well as networks/news services. Any other city of license is considered a small market. Fees: $23.00 per entry. There is no limit on entries per category, except Overall Excellence, which is limited to one entry per station.

Student Radio and Television Entries: All student radio and television entries, regardless of college or university size, are in the same division. Best Newscast and Best Sportscast can be entered for any day. All other rules for professional radio and television entries apply; the student entry fees, $12 TV, $9 radio.

IBNA Contest Categories.

1. SPOT NEWS COVERAGE – A live report of a breaking story, not a pre-planned event. Criteria include clarity, editing, scripting, delivery, thoroughness, speed with which the story is covered, ability to place the audience at the scene, and indication to the audience of the significance/consequences of the event. The entry can include details of when the story broke, how soon after that the entry aired, what reports followed, etc. Compilation of same-day coverage is allowed.

2. FEATURE – A single story aired with the intent to provide relief from the impact of hard news stories. Criteria include human interest, delivery, production values, and the ability to evoke audience emotion. (“Hard news” features should be entered in another category, such as general reporting.)

3. IN-DEPTH/SERIES – An expanded report or series that provides background and understanding of a specific news event or issue. Entries should go beyond the traditional spot news story.

4. PUBLIC AFFAIRS – A single program or a series of programs that address one or more issues of importance to the community and, by providing information or advocating action, helps the community understand or deal with the issue(s). Written background information on the issues should be provided to aid the judges.

5. FARM AND AGRIBUSINESS – A single story or series on one topic that demonstrates the station’s commitment to reporting farm and/or agribusiness issues. Entry should not include market reports.

6. SPORTS COVERAGE – Coverage of sports figures or events, but not play-by-play. Entries should be reports that give the audience an insight into the person or event.

7. SPORTS PLAY-BY-PLAY– Locally originated coverage of athletic contests. An entire game should not be submitted. Criteria include flexibility, vividness and enthusiasm. Compilation entries are encouraged; a compilation should not exceed 20 minutes. “Highlight” shows should be entered in the Sports Coverage category. For broadcasts on over-the-air, terrestrial radio stations or online stream.

8. POLITICAL COVERAGE – Coverage of politics, including elections, and candidates. Entries should be reports that give meaning to the issues and candidates. A compilation of coverage should not exceed 20 minutes.

9. GENERAL REPORTING – A general news story that is not spot news. This category is designed for “hard news”, instead of “feature” stories.

10. BEST NEWSCAST – IBNA designates “contest days” each year, with notice given to stations. Enter ONLY newscasts aired on those designated days. A station may submit multiple entries in this category. Newscasts are judged on the presentation and interaction of the anchor/anchors. Consideration should also be given to local story content. While entries may include national/international material supplied by networks, judges are instructed to disregard such stories in their evaluation. The designated newscast/sportscast days for this year are: May 22nd, June 24th, September 6th and 7th, October 18th and 19th, November 22nd.

11. BEST SPORTSCAST – IBNA designates “contest days” each year. Enter ONLY from sportscasts aired on those designated days. A station may submit multiple sportscasts Newscasts are judged on the presentation and interaction of the anchor/anchors. Consideration should also be given to local story content. While entries may include national/international material supplied by networks, judges are instructed to disregard such stories in their evaluation.  A station may submit multiple sportscasts While entries may include national material supplied by networks, judges are instructed to disregard such stories in their evaluation. The designated newscast/sportscast days for this year are: May 22nd, June 24th, September 6th and 7th, October 18th and 19th, November 22nd.

12. NEWS PHOTOGRAPHY – Video which may be part of a news assignment, or a feature aired primarily for photographic quality. Criteria include quality, editing, imagination, impact on the viewer, and the ability to tell a story visually. Compilation entries are not allowed.

13. OVERALL EXCELLENCE – A compilation, not to exceed 20 minutes, demonstrating the station’s commitment to high journalistic ideals, commitment to community and ability to cover a variety of issues along with the big story.

14. Podcast – A podcast must cover local topics that aired in 2023. Must show ability to report on an issue or issues impacting the local community.

15. Disaster Coverage
This is a special category for the 2024 contest covering tornados and flooding. Entries should demonstrate your station’s coverage of the ongoing event or the impact and aftermath of the event. This can be a single entry or a compilation of stories.

Here are the winners from the 2024 contest:

Here are the results from the 2023 contest.
IBNA winners 2023


Here are the results for the 2022 news contest for entries that aired in 2021: IBNA Contest Results 2022

Awards List 2021

Membership renewal information:

IBNA annual memberships expire in January.   Membership cannot be renewed on the contest site. To renew your IBNA Membership, please go to the membership page of this website and fill out the form and pay on this website.
