Thanks to the support of individual donors and the Iowa Broadcasters Association Foundation, IBNA is proud to offer two scholarships.
The Iowa Broadcasters Association Foundation Grant Price Scholarship

The Iowa Broadcasters Foundation Grant Price Scholarship is named in honor of the late Grant Price—an IBNA Jack Shelley Award recipient; news director of WMT Radio/TV, Cedar Rapids; Vice President of News and Public Affairs for KWWL-TV, Waterloo; and professor emeritus at Wartburg College.
Eligibility: Applicants for the Grant Price Scholarship must be registered in good standing at a two-year or four-year college or university in Iowa, and hold either freshman or sophomore standing. The scholarship is designed to recognize outstanding promise at an early career stage.
Requirements: To apply for the Grant Price Scholarship, students must complete the application form and provide no more than three news writing samples (no audio or video), a minimum of two letters of recommendation (one of which must be from a current or former faculty member), and a one-page statement of their goals in electronic media journalism.
Price scholarship application form
The Iowa Broadcasters Association Foundation Dick Petrik Outstanding Student Award

The Iowa Broadcasters Association Foundation Dick Petrik Outstanding Student Award is given to a college student whose work shows outstanding potential for a career in electronic media journalism. The award is named for the late Dick Petrik, longtime news director at KOEL Radio in Oelwein and the first IBNA Jack Shelley Award recipient.
Eligibility: Applicants for the Petrik Award must be registered in good standing at a four-year college or university in Iowa, and hold either junior or senior standing.
Requirements: Entrants must submit links to no more than three recorded examples of their work during college, which may include newscasts in which the entrant participated, packages, interview programs or segments, material gathered in the field, etc. The student’s participation must be made clear either within the work or through the supplemental written material. Entries may (but are not required to) include both radio and television examples. Submit work examples via URL only. Entrants must also complete the application form and submit a minimum of two letters of recommendation from persons familiar with their broadcast work (such as a news director or a current/former faculty member).